Gone Without a Trace, Mary Torjussen

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Title: Gone Without a Trace

Author: Mary Torjussen

Pages:  352

Genre: mystery, suspense

Is this part of a series?  No.

Publish date:  March 23rd, 2017

I received an eARC of this book from First to Read in exchange for an honest review.


                Hannah has the perfect life… until she doesn’t.  One day she came home and her boyfriend of four years is gone.  Every tiny piece of his taken away- no texts, pictures, personal items.  It’s like he never existed at all.  Above all, she has to find him.  Her work and friendships suffer as she searches for her lover.  As she looks for Matt, though, someone is watching her.  Odd messages start coming in, little things that let her know someone has been in the house.  Matt?   Or is she going insane?

My thoughts:

                First off, Hannah is not a trust worthy narrative- anyone can tell because there is only one side- hers.  All these crazy things are happening- someone is sabotaging her at work, and messing with her at home.  Who can she trust?  And is any of it real???  You know that saying “It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you”?  This is a perfect example.  We follow Hannah through her days and her memories as she tries to piece everything together.  I didn’t like her as a character… but I was entranced by her, mesmerized by her mania.  The more that swirled around her, the more I learned of what truly happened, the more intrigued I was.  This book kept me guessing, and I really loved it.  Five Stars  !Five Stars

As far as the adult content goes, there is some sexual content, drinking, language and violence.  The sexual content is fairly tame, so I would still give this to my niece in exchange for a discussion at the end.  There are things I would want to go over with her.   I give it a six.   Parental Guidance

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